Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Plagiarism is not just borrowing someones work and making it your own, it is more like stealing or not giving credit where credit is due. It is seen as an illegal act, and is consider as fraud. It is simple to avoid plagiarism as long as you cite your sources. Avoiding doing something like citing your sources can result in the failure of a class or even in some schools completely kick you out of the school or university. By providing information on the author, title,website, etc. of the location where you have received your information can rule you out of being convicted of plagiarism. The University of Central Arkansas' policy on plagiarism is very strict, they are very serious about it. If plagiarism is done by one of the students then they will receive a failing grade in the class in which they committed the act, and then the issue will be brought to the university board to do further investigation on the matter. Bottom line is, plagiarism is not acceptable and has harsh consequences; so would you rather copy a few lines without giving credit where credit is due, or get a failing grade in a class? I think we both know the answer to that question!

Works Cited
-University of Central Arkansas Handbook


Ms. Bowles said...

I hadn't thought of looking at the handbook. You've done a good job explaining the problems with plagiarism.

Beth Andrews said...

The handbook why didn't I think of that.

Cameron said...

I agree I think that you made the plagiarism topic easy to understand.