Monday, March 10, 2008

9-11 Annotated Bibliography

9/11 Commission Report. (August 23, 2004). Inside the Four Flights. Dwyer, J. (2006, September 2). U.S. - This source explains how each of the hijackers of the flights did not have anything on them or in their belongings and explains how they got through security. It also explains the reported phone calls from the air flights and what the callers said was going on in the planes and what kind of weapons were being used.

Counters 9-11 Theories of Conspiracy. The New York Times. Heine, M. (2006, July 31). Lecturer Explains 9/11 Theories. - This source explains how alternative theories were formed, why they were formed, and upon the basis in which they were formed. It also explains how the government could have done these attacks as an inside job to go to war as a type of war domination, and it also explains the use of bombs to bring the twin towers down.

Knights Ridder Tribune Business News. Heine, M. (2006, July 25). Controversial UW Professor to Lead 9-11 Theories Lecture. Knight Ridder Tribune Business News.- A UW- Madison lecturer Kevin Barrett explains to a group the 9-11 conspiracy theories as an inside job, this article outlines his lecture. He is a part-time teacher teaching Islam and uses the 9/11 conspiracy theories in his lectures to help explain the events from both sides of the spectrum.

Murphy, J. (2006, February 22). Conspiracy 101. The Village Voice, 51, 8., p. 24.- This source provides many famous conspiracy theories such as the JFK assassination to tie in with today's 9-11 conspiracy theories. It also explains how flight 93 is thought to have been shot down by military officials. The article also mentions that buildings couldn’t fall straight down as the twin towers did if it was not a controlled demolition, this is probably the first time ever in history that a building has fallen as the twin towers did from a terrorist attack apposed to an actual demolition of a building.

Grossman, L. (2006, September 11). Why the 9/11 Conspiracy Won't Go Away. Time, 168, 11., pp. 46-48.- This source provides explanations for the events on 9/11 and explains how some believe the U.S. Government might have been responsible for the attacks and the details on each attack. The article also gives statistics and expert opinions on why conspiracies are formed and the article also questions the conspiracies as if the author was on the other side of the spectrum; he takes point of views from both sides of the story.

Wikipedia. 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. Wikipedia. Retrieved February 29, 2008, from UCA Library.- This is probably going to be my best source, it provides a range of topics concerning one conspiracy theory and provides a great deal of detail on the subjects. It explains just about every detail of the attacks that day. It explains the bombs in the world trade centers, how building seven fell down eight hours after the two towers, how the pentagon may have been hit by a missals because security cameras of the impact are not shown, and it explains how military officials shot down flight 93 in Pennsylvania.Wikipedia. September 11,2001 Timeline for the Day of the Attacks.

Wikipedia. Retrieved February 29, 2008, from UCA Library.- This source provides an hour by hour timeline of the events on September 11, 2001, from eight that morning to 12 that night, however these hour by hour events are based on what the media portrays as true, basing the terrorist attacks as the work of Al Qaeda. It tells at approximately what time each event happened and even explains what George Bush was doing that day and what comments and decisions he made upon the events of the attacks.

9-11 Truth Committee. Top 40 Reasons to Doubt the Official Story. 9-11 Truth. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from - This source provides a list of forty facts that supports the theory that the government portrayed the attacks on 9/11. It explains reasons for war, the twin towers, the pentagon, flight 93, and provides reasons why our government should not be trusted and the reasons for which they base their findings. This whole site is devoted to the 9/11 conspiracy theories and has a great variety of information and facts to support the theory.

1 comment:

StephenHedges said...

well done, well done! I struggled to find credible sources, but you seemed to grab em just fine!