Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"Loose Change"- 9/11 Conspiracy Video

If anyone is interested and has time to watch this video, it is excellent! It explains every aspect of the conspiracy theory. The video is called "Loose Change." Hope everyone is getting their paper done alright, mine is going smoothly I think mostly because I am actually very interested in my topic for once. Here is the link for the video on You Tube!


Its an eighty minute long video, so you probably only want to watch it if you are very interested in this subject.


relliff1 said...

Your brochure looked very good Friday in class. I really liked the pictures you used. Good luck with the rest of the class!

StephenHedges said...

nice! you found an 80 minute video! I am impressed!

matalicwolf said...

I didn't watch the entire thing, but wow some of that is insane. I really like your topic though :D

Cameron said...

I agree this video is excellent!

Christopher Michael said...

Nice video!