Sunday, April 13, 2008

9/11 conspiaracy theory brochure

What is the 9/11 conspiracy theory?
On September 11, 2001 America was attacked by what was said to be Al Qaeda, which is a terrorist organization in the Middle East. They were said to have high jacked four planes two in which hit each one of the World Trade Centers, one that hit the U.S. Pentagon, and one that crashed in a field in Pennsylvania said to be heading to the U.S. White House. The 9/11 conspiracy is a theory brought about by facts presented on the events of this day. It states that the U.S. government either knew of the attacks or conducted a false flag operation. A false flag operation is something that is designed to appear as if someone or something else is to blame when in fact it really isn’t. Some believe these acts were conducted as a means to go to war for world domination and control of oil.

the world trade centers
Early that morning the first plane struck tower one, and about thirty minutes later the second plane hit tower two. Approximately an hour later the second tower fell straight down, and then the first tower followed. Demolition experts say that buildings can’t just fall straight down as the twin towers did because of a fire started by the jet fuels of the planes. They say this can only be the result of a controlled demolition. Bombs were believed to be placed in the world trade centers and evidence is shown through video footage of small bursts of fire seen in the lower levels of the towers. People in the area also claimed they heard or seen the bombs themselves. If a simple fire was true this would be the first time in history this has ever happened. Does this seem possible? Why would the media not inform us on the bombs inside the buildings? Not only did the twin towers collapse but, so did a neighboring building about 47 stories tall fell eight hours later in the same manner the twin towers fell. Keep in mind that this is eight hours later, and the building was not struck but it collapsed just as the others did. How could something that has never happened in history happen three times in one day.
The Pentagon was struck about an hour after the towers. The media tells us that the plane crashed in the side of the Pentagon and killed over a hundred people. There is no direct footage of the plane hitting that can be seen by the public eye. From studies some believe that a plane didn’t in fact hit the pentagon but a missile did. As soon as the attacks happened the FBI came in and confiscated security cameras of all surrounding businesses. What was on those videos that we were not meant to see?

Flight 93 is the most controversial of all the attacks. The plane was said to be headed for the white house, but it crashed in a field in Pennsylvania due to passengers fighting back. While investigating the scene, however, they found no bodies and no large pieces of debris from the plane. This is not common in a regular every day plane crash. This plane had to have been shot down and people believe it was U.S. military officials that did so.

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