Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Marine Reserve Brochure

1. List of names of brochures you reviewed
The marine reserve
2. What is/are the purpose(s) of brochures? What is the tone? What word choices and phrasings contribute to the tone? To promote people to join the marines. Encouraging tone. Becoming, educational assistance, benefits, be counted among the few and the proud.
3. What is the intended audience like? That is, what characteristics do they have? mostly male, maybe patriotic, someone wanting to make a difference, people who need educational assistance. / Determined, goal oriented
4. What kind of content is found in brochures?
types of programs offered, educational assistance, types of training
5. How does this kind of content fit with the purpose of a brochure? because it helps to inform and encourage people to join the marines
6. How does this kind of content fit with the audience of a brochure? it is related to their characteristics and beliefs.
7. How is the text organized in brochures? Divided into five broad ideas, a background photo, and a mail in application
8. How do these aspects of organization fit with the purpose of a brochure? to explain each type of program
9. How do they fit with the audience? it helps the audience relate better.
10. What aspects of formatting do you notice? How do these connect to the purpose and audience characteristics? pictures, random words on the cover that say, self respect, strength, courage, pride. These encourage the audience that they can have these qualities if they are apart of the marines.
11. How are sources documented? a web site and 1800 number is provided

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