Sunday, April 13, 2008

My 9/11 Theory Brochure

1. List of names of brochures you reviewed?
The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
2. What is/are the purpose(s) of brochures? What is the tone? What word choices and phrasings contribute to the tone? to inform. encourage a believe, inform, theory, facts, evidence
3. What is the intended audience like? That is, what characteristics do they have? American people, curious, indifferent
4. What kind of content is found in brochures? informative
5. How does this kind of content fit with the purpose of a brochure? by informing people can see the other side of the story and may develop new believes
6. How does this kind of content fit with the audience of a brochure? because people that are curious need to hear both sides to decide in a belief
7. How is the text organized in brochures? first explaining what it is, then organizes the information by each event that happened that day.
8. How do these aspects of organization fit with the purpose of a brochure? to provide facts of each event to prove the point
9. How do they fit with the audience? helps them understand the reasons for the theory
10. What aspects of formatting do you notice? How do these connect to the purpose and audience characteristics? pictures, organized by events. Helps the audience get the message.
11. How are sources documented? on the back under the heading "for more information."


MrsDailey23 said...

wow this is a good idea for a blog post!

Samantha said...

i agree..interesting topic too

Beth Andrews said...

This was a good post. have a great summer