Sunday, April 13, 2008

Peer Review Letter To Tiffany

Amber Carson
14 March 2008
Writing 1320
Peer Review Letter
Dear Tiffany,
Overall I thought you article was very well written and very informative. It seems to be a college level written paper. You followed the APA format very well, including the format of the paper and the way, in which you cited your sources, the only thing missing is your page numbers but that can be very quick and easy to fix. You seem to be a very good writer and had your sentence format and structure right on point and easy to read. The paper was informative of global warming however sometimes I was lost because certain subjects or points were presented but not pre explained in a way that I could understand without having to read the sentence over several times to understand. You seem to be good at grammar because I didn’t see many grammatical errors. Really the only problem was some sentences needed to be reworded so they are better understood. A good solution was presented for the problem in the conclusion and explained the way people can help in preventing global warming. You did a good job incorporating similes into your paper it makes the paper not boring and keeps the audience tied in with what you’re saying. My favorite was in the conclusion and it said, “Humans have been putting out millions of tons of greenhouse gases for several years, if the emissions aren’t reduced soon, the earth will keep sliding like a snowball down a hill and gathering more and more problems as the years go on.” A good thesis statement is also presented and explains why global warming is important and why it has now become a problem. All of your sources are presented on the last page of the paper and are in the right structured format. I also found your title to your paper being good; it seems like something that would get someone’s attention over just saying global warming (Global Warming-Earth’s Silent Killer). Your paper did well in providing statistics to support your claim, explaining why global warming is important to prevent, when it was said to really start, ways people can help, alternative fuel uses, and ways to reduce everyday energy use such as turning off lights and TVs when leaving rooms and/ or the house. You provided the exact number of pages required, presenting eight pages of text, one title page, and one source page for a total of ten pages. You also seemed to have really worked on this paper and did a lot of research. You got a variety of information to get various points of views. It seems you have used fourteen sources when only eight was required of you. This paper really deserves a good grade and you should be proud of your writing skills. Your really seem to be an excellent writer.
Amber Carson

1 comment:

Samantha said...

good letter! you were very specific in what you felt like needed to be changed and applauded her on her work.