Monday, March 10, 2008

9/11 Bibliography

9/11 Comission Report. (August 23, 2004). Inside the Four Flights.

Dwyer, J. (2006, September 2). U.S. Counters 9-11 Theories of Conspiracy. The New York Times.

Heine, M. (2006, July 31). Lecturer Explains 9/11 Theories. Knights Ridder Tribune Bussiness News.

Heine, M. (2006, July 25). Controversial UW Professor to Lead 9-11 Theories Lecture. Knight Ridder Tribune Bussiness News.

Murphy, J. (2006, February 22). Conspiracy 101. The Village Voice, 51, 8., p. 24.

Grossman, L. (2006, September 11). Why the 9/11 Conspiracy Won't Go Away. Time, 168, 11., pp. 46-48.

Shermer, M. (2005, June). Fahrenheit 2777. Scientific America, 292, 6., pp. 38.

Wikipedia. 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. Wikipedia. Retrieved February 29, 2008, from UCA Library.

Wikipedia. September 11,2001 Timeline for the Day of the Attacks. Wikipedia. Retrieved February 29, 2008, from UCA Library.

9-11 Truth Committee. Top 40 Reasons to Doubt the Offical Story. 9-11 Truth. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from

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