Sunday, March 9, 2008

9-11 Proposal

Most people remember exactly where they were and what they were doing on the day America was attacked on September 11, 2001. From what the media tells us 9-11 was a day of ruthless terrorist attacks by a terrorist organization by the name of Al-Qaeda. No one knows for sure every detail of the attacks that day nor do we really know who really did it and why. The most common story is that there were four separate planes hijacked by Al-Qaeda; one in which struck the U.S Pentagon, two in which hit each one of the Twin Towers, and one that was said to be headed to the white house but was brought down in Pennsylvania due to passengers fighting back. Some people, however; do not know that there is another theory, one that involves an inside job by are own government. As no American would want to believe that are own government could have done something so ruthless to us, it could very well be a reason; and because this is a theory it is based on facts, however; it is not able to be proven completely true just as the story the media has portrayed. The theory is that government officials somehow planed an inside job to run the planes into the world trade centers and implant bombs so it would appear as a terrorist attack. Of course this sounds like it could really be a terrorist attack, but what discourage theorists is that the media denies there was ever bombs implanted and that the buildings did not fall due to controlled demolition, but scientist say that the buildings couldn’t have collapsed straight down as they did just by the affect of the two planes crashing into them. Another thing that most people don’t know is that there was a smaller building about 47 stories tall beside the twin towers that also fell, but did not fall till around five o’clock in the afternoon that day. How did this building fall just as the twin towers did eight hours later if this wasn’t a controlled demolition and why would the media keep this from us? When the pentagon was hit, it was hit in a spot that was under construction where few workers were, it doesn’t seem to these theorists that this was by accident. One of the biggest pieces of evidence that supports this theory is found in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where flight 93 crashed. The media says the plane had just crashed, but theorist of this conspiracy believe that the plane was actually shot down by military officials. When the scene was investigated there were no big pieces of material left from the plane. Scientist say that when a plane just crashes there is usually massive pieces found and usually some bodies; but no bodies were found and the plane was completely demolished which leads people to think it must have been shot down. What theory is true? Will we ever know? Could September 11, 2001 been an inside attack by our own U.S. Government as an excuse to go to war, or was the media telling the truth, was this the work of Al-Qaeda and the middle east?

1 comment:

Dawn Yarbrough said...

that is very interesting. It makes you wonder how it all really happened. It could kinda be scary in a way.