Sunday, April 13, 2008

9-11 Paper

Most Americans remember exactly where they were and what they were doing on the day America was attacked on September 11, 2001. According to the media reports, 9-11 was a day of ruthless terrorist attacks by a terrorist organization by the name of Al-Qaeda. No one knows for sure every detail of the attacks that day nor do we really know who did it and why. According to the media, there were four separate planes hijacked by Al-Qaeda. One that struck the U.S Pentagon, two in which hit each one of the Twin Towers, and one that was said to be headed to the White House but was brought down in Pennsylvania due to passengers fighting back. Some people, however; do not know that there is another theory, one that involves an inside job by are own government. As no American would want to believe that are own government could have done something so ruthless to us, there could very well be a reason.
Because this is a theory it is based on facts, however; it is not able to be proven completely true just as the story the media has portrayed. Psychological experts claim that with any traumatic event there is bound to be a conspiracy theory that because the 9/11 attacks were witnessed by so many but little is knows about the details of the attacks which makes it a perfect glue for a conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theories are sometimes a way of mourning for our country. According to Grossman (2006), “36% of Americans claim to believe that the government either knew about the attacks and let them happened or conducted them themselves,” this is a big chunk of the American population. The theory states that government officials somehow planed an inside job to run the planes into the World Trade Centers and implant bombs so it would appear as a terrorist attack, but what discourages theorists is that the media denies there were ever bombs implanted and that the buildings did not fall due to controlled demolition. According to scientist John Hooper the buildings couldn’t have collapsed straight down as they did just by the affect of the two planes crashing into them. Another building that was demolished that day that most Americans aren’t aware of is a smaller 47 story tall building right by the World Trade Centers know as Tower Seven. How did this building fall just as the twin towers did eight hours later if this wasn’t a controlled demolition and why would the media keep this from us?
When the pentagon was hit, it was hit in a spot that was under construction where few workers were, it doesn’t seem to these theorists that this was by accident. One of the biggest pieces of evidence that supports this theory is found in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where flight 93 crashed. The media says the plane had just simply crashed normally, but theorists of this conspiracy believe that the plane was actually shot down by military officials. When the scene was investigated there were no big pieces of material left from the plane. Scientist say that when a plane just crashes there is usually massive pieces found and usually some bodies; but no bodies were found and the plane was completely demolished which leads people to think it must have been shot down. What theory is true? Will we ever know? Could September 11, 2001 been an inside attack by our own U.S. Government as an excuse to go to war, or was the media telling the truth? Could this have been the work of Al-Qaeda and the Middle East?
On September 11, 2001 at around 8:45am the first twin tower was struck by what was said to be American Airlines flight 11. A flight attendant had made an emergency call prior to the crash stating that there were several people stabbed and someone had taken over the cockpit, however, in this call the flight attendant was very calm and there were no sounds of screaming in the background. The flight attendant was on the phone for a little over twenty minutes, but only four minutes of this call’s recoding was released. Why is that? What was said in that twenty minutes that was not meant for us to know?
Approximately twenty-nine minutes later United Airlines flight 175 crashed into the second tower. Less than an hour later both towers collapsed, tower two first followed by tower one. This is the first time in history that a building has collapsed because of a fire and this happened three times in one day according to what the U.S. Government claims. The claim that the buildings collapsed because of the high temperature of jet fuel does not make sense. The buildings could have only collapsed as a result of a controlled demolition. Many witnesses have claimed to have heard and seen numerous explosions occur and some were even caught on tape. According to the New York City Fire Department windows were blown out in the lobby area of one of the towers prior to the collapse and that an impact of over sixty or more stories high could have not been the result of this, explosions in the lower levels would have had to occur. According to controlled demolition experts when a building falls straight down as the Twin Towers did that it can only be caused by the infra structure of the building, which is the lower levels, which also provides proof that their was bombs in the lower levels.
One other tower that most people don’t know about that fell is World Trade Center building number seven. This forty-seven story tall building was the emergency operations center with its purpose to help in the aid of major disasters such as the ones that happened that day. This building was not hit by a plane, however; it collapsed straight down just as the twin towers did, and what is even more shocking is that it fell eight hours after the twin towers collapsed. The government claims that fires from the twin towers caused a fire in the building which caused it to collapse, but this does not sound to be justifiable. The result of this building collapsing could only have been because of bombs pre-placed into the building gathered from evidence on how the building collapsed.
President George W. Bush’s brother Marvin Bush was the chief of all security operations in the twin towers. People ask, if bombs were pre-placed in the towers than how is there no witnesses of them being placed. Weeks prior to the attacks both World Trade Center Towers and building number seven were evacuated for security reasons, a lot of people believe that the bombs were placed at this time. On September 6, 2001 bomb sniffing dogs were removed from the buildings; only Marvin Bush could have approved of these requests. On top of all of this evidence the cite in which is now called “ground zero” was quickly cleaned up and any sign of evidence was destroyed before any experts could get to it. Why is this? What important details were hidden in the debris and rubble?
At about 9:37 that morning new stations reported that a Boeing 757, known as flight 77 crashed into the side of the U.S. Pentagon; at least this is what the government wants us to think. There was no large pieces found and there was no real trace of a plane crash. When planes crash usually there is large pieces of the plane found, and there was not at the Pentagon. The government claims that the reason that pieces were not found is because the jet fuels from the plane vaporized the whole thing; but later 184 out of the 189 bodies found were identified. How can every piece of a plane be completely vaporized but bodies are able to be identified? And if this were true this would have been the first time reported in history that jet fuel completely vaporized a plane at impact. Scientists say, from the size of the hole in which the plane was claimed to have hit that a Boeing 757 was too large to have fit the hole. Soon after the attack FBI agents quickly entered the area to visit surround business such as hotels and gas stations with security cameras. All of these businesses were ask to not say a word and their security videos were confiscated. According to Murphy (2006) “If the government has nothing to hide then why are they so reluctant to ask a few questions or expose a few videos?” The only videos shown are from the view of the other side of the building in which only the explosion can be seen and there is no footage of the so called plane that struck it.
At around 10am that morning flight 93 was said to be headed to the White House, but crashed in a field in Shanksfield, Pennsylvania due to passengers breaking in the cockpit and fighting back. This is probably the most controversial story of the 9/11 attacks because no bodies were found. At the crash site, again there were no large pieces of the plane found and to this day no bodies have been reported found. When a plane crashes there is usually very large pieces of debris and bodies found, but there was none at the crash site of flight 93. Some claim that the plane had to be shot down by U.S. Air Force officials but some also believe that the plane never crashed at all and this is also believe for flight 77 that was claimed to have crashed in the side of the Pentagon. If the plane never crashed, then where is it? This takes us to Cleveland, Ohio, where two planes were reported to have landed because of bomb threats. One witness had identified one of these planes as flight 93. The airport was then evacuated and everyone was instructed to leave, but they were not allowed to drive their vehicles off of the primacies. It is believe that Delta flight 1989 was used as a cover up to the evacuations on flight 93, this is evident from the reported number of passengers evacuated from the planes. A passenger on flight 1989 said that there were about sixty passengers on his or her flight but there was a report 200 people supposedly evacuated from this plane. They combined the amount of people from both planes and said they came from one to cover up that Flight 93 had landed there. In all four planes the black boxes were not found. Every commercial plane has one or more indestructible black boxes in the cockpit and throughout the rest of the plane to record sound and mechanical changes in the plane. It is very rare for a black box to be destroyed in a plane. The government claims that the black boxes were never found or to damaged to be useful, however; on one of the flights one of the terrorist’s passports was found. How can something made out of paper be recovered, but a black box that is suppose to be indestructible was not? Today both flight 77 and 93 are still considered valid air crafts and were actually reported to have never been scheduled to fly on September Eleventh.
One more thing that makes people question the attacks is the supposed emergency calls from the planes. There were a total of thirteen passengers who were reported to have made thirty calls from the hijacked planes to family members and emergency hotlines. According to a study conducted in Canada in 2003 the success rate of a successful cell phone connections could not have been possible at such a high altitude. Were all these reported 911 calls fake? We might never know the truth but evidence and studies bring us to believe this may indeed be true.
Where was President Bush when this happened? When the attacks on 9/11 happened Bush was at Emma E. Booker Elementary school in Sarasota, Florida reading a book along with a class when he first learned of the attacks. He sat in the classroom and acted as if nothing had happened. Ten minutes later the White House chief of staff Andrew Card whispered in President Bush’s ear that the second building had been struck, Bush did not say a word and still stayed calm continuing to read the book with the children, no officials tried to take him out, everyone just acted as if nothing had happened. When a president’s country is under a major crisis he doesn’t just sit there for an extra twenty minutes with out doing a thing if it is a complete shock to him, this makes people think that he new prematurely about the attacks. President Bush, however, claimed that he acted as he did to not discourage the kids or anyone else.
People often ask the question, why? Why would our own government do this to us? What is the purpose for it? Theorists claim that the government needed an excuse to execute a war in the Middle East because of America’s great desire for oil. Let’s look at some background information on George W. Bush, what was he doing before he became president of the United States? Bush’s family is known for their three values: wealth, war, and oil which completely justifies the reasons behind the 9/11 attacks. Bush was born into a political family with an ownership in an oil dynasty. In American terms oil equals wealth, wealth is what president Bush has based his whole presidency upon. Initiating the attacks on 9/11 it gave President Bush a reason to invade the Middle East to take over their oil. It’s actually quit smart what he did. He devises a plan to produce a type of “Second Pearl Harbor,” and blames the attacks on a Middle Eastern terrorist group by the name of Al Qaeda and their leader Osama bin Laden. He first sends troops out to Afghanistan, where the people of Al Qaeda are settled. He then announces to
America that we need to send troops to Iraq because there is a possibility that they may have weapons of mass destruction. This is a cover up to have an excuse to take out Sadam Hussein and initially take over the country to bring oil back to the U.S. So how did we get from trying to get back at Al Qaeda for what they did to our country to trying to provide Iraq with a democracy? That’s only a question The Bush Administration can answer, and good luck getting an answer out of them.
With Bush’s obsession with oil than whom better to help him then his right hand man Dick Cheney. Dick Cheney is the current U.S. Vic President, however, has also been linked to a company by the name of Halliburton. Halliburton is a company that rebuilds countries after war and profits from them. Halliburton provides money for the war and has been known to provide an amount extremely over what is required for war. It is a perfect plan, the U.S. invades Iraq for oil and every time a building is blown up or destroyed the U.S. is profited, which reverts back to George Bush’s desire for wealth, war, and oil.
Will we ever know what happened on September 11, 2001? Maybe not but more and more evidence points fingers to our U.S. Government. Americans may never want to accept this as true, but it is a major possibility. So next time your watching CNN or any other world news network, question everything they say because they have a way of turning stories around as a way to protect the government as being perceived as evil. On September 11, 2001 America was changed forever, to know that we weren’t indestructible as we so believed killed us. Our country will never be the same.

My 9/11 Theory Brochure

1. List of names of brochures you reviewed?
The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
2. What is/are the purpose(s) of brochures? What is the tone? What word choices and phrasings contribute to the tone? to inform. encourage a believe, inform, theory, facts, evidence
3. What is the intended audience like? That is, what characteristics do they have? American people, curious, indifferent
4. What kind of content is found in brochures? informative
5. How does this kind of content fit with the purpose of a brochure? by informing people can see the other side of the story and may develop new believes
6. How does this kind of content fit with the audience of a brochure? because people that are curious need to hear both sides to decide in a belief
7. How is the text organized in brochures? first explaining what it is, then organizes the information by each event that happened that day.
8. How do these aspects of organization fit with the purpose of a brochure? to provide facts of each event to prove the point
9. How do they fit with the audience? helps them understand the reasons for the theory
10. What aspects of formatting do you notice? How do these connect to the purpose and audience characteristics? pictures, organized by events. Helps the audience get the message.
11. How are sources documented? on the back under the heading "for more information."

The Marine Reserve Brochure

1. List of names of brochures you reviewed
The marine reserve
2. What is/are the purpose(s) of brochures? What is the tone? What word choices and phrasings contribute to the tone? To promote people to join the marines. Encouraging tone. Becoming, educational assistance, benefits, be counted among the few and the proud.
3. What is the intended audience like? That is, what characteristics do they have? mostly male, maybe patriotic, someone wanting to make a difference, people who need educational assistance. / Determined, goal oriented
4. What kind of content is found in brochures?
types of programs offered, educational assistance, types of training
5. How does this kind of content fit with the purpose of a brochure? because it helps to inform and encourage people to join the marines
6. How does this kind of content fit with the audience of a brochure? it is related to their characteristics and beliefs.
7. How is the text organized in brochures? Divided into five broad ideas, a background photo, and a mail in application
8. How do these aspects of organization fit with the purpose of a brochure? to explain each type of program
9. How do they fit with the audience? it helps the audience relate better.
10. What aspects of formatting do you notice? How do these connect to the purpose and audience characteristics? pictures, random words on the cover that say, self respect, strength, courage, pride. These encourage the audience that they can have these qualities if they are apart of the marines.
11. How are sources documented? a web site and 1800 number is provided

Peer Review Letter To Tiffany

Amber Carson
14 March 2008
Writing 1320
Peer Review Letter
Dear Tiffany,
Overall I thought you article was very well written and very informative. It seems to be a college level written paper. You followed the APA format very well, including the format of the paper and the way, in which you cited your sources, the only thing missing is your page numbers but that can be very quick and easy to fix. You seem to be a very good writer and had your sentence format and structure right on point and easy to read. The paper was informative of global warming however sometimes I was lost because certain subjects or points were presented but not pre explained in a way that I could understand without having to read the sentence over several times to understand. You seem to be good at grammar because I didn’t see many grammatical errors. Really the only problem was some sentences needed to be reworded so they are better understood. A good solution was presented for the problem in the conclusion and explained the way people can help in preventing global warming. You did a good job incorporating similes into your paper it makes the paper not boring and keeps the audience tied in with what you’re saying. My favorite was in the conclusion and it said, “Humans have been putting out millions of tons of greenhouse gases for several years, if the emissions aren’t reduced soon, the earth will keep sliding like a snowball down a hill and gathering more and more problems as the years go on.” A good thesis statement is also presented and explains why global warming is important and why it has now become a problem. All of your sources are presented on the last page of the paper and are in the right structured format. I also found your title to your paper being good; it seems like something that would get someone’s attention over just saying global warming (Global Warming-Earth’s Silent Killer). Your paper did well in providing statistics to support your claim, explaining why global warming is important to prevent, when it was said to really start, ways people can help, alternative fuel uses, and ways to reduce everyday energy use such as turning off lights and TVs when leaving rooms and/ or the house. You provided the exact number of pages required, presenting eight pages of text, one title page, and one source page for a total of ten pages. You also seemed to have really worked on this paper and did a lot of research. You got a variety of information to get various points of views. It seems you have used fourteen sources when only eight was required of you. This paper really deserves a good grade and you should be proud of your writing skills. Your really seem to be an excellent writer.
Amber Carson

9/11 conspiaracy theory brochure

What is the 9/11 conspiracy theory?
On September 11, 2001 America was attacked by what was said to be Al Qaeda, which is a terrorist organization in the Middle East. They were said to have high jacked four planes two in which hit each one of the World Trade Centers, one that hit the U.S. Pentagon, and one that crashed in a field in Pennsylvania said to be heading to the U.S. White House. The 9/11 conspiracy is a theory brought about by facts presented on the events of this day. It states that the U.S. government either knew of the attacks or conducted a false flag operation. A false flag operation is something that is designed to appear as if someone or something else is to blame when in fact it really isn’t. Some believe these acts were conducted as a means to go to war for world domination and control of oil.

the world trade centers
Early that morning the first plane struck tower one, and about thirty minutes later the second plane hit tower two. Approximately an hour later the second tower fell straight down, and then the first tower followed. Demolition experts say that buildings can’t just fall straight down as the twin towers did because of a fire started by the jet fuels of the planes. They say this can only be the result of a controlled demolition. Bombs were believed to be placed in the world trade centers and evidence is shown through video footage of small bursts of fire seen in the lower levels of the towers. People in the area also claimed they heard or seen the bombs themselves. If a simple fire was true this would be the first time in history this has ever happened. Does this seem possible? Why would the media not inform us on the bombs inside the buildings? Not only did the twin towers collapse but, so did a neighboring building about 47 stories tall fell eight hours later in the same manner the twin towers fell. Keep in mind that this is eight hours later, and the building was not struck but it collapsed just as the others did. How could something that has never happened in history happen three times in one day.
The Pentagon was struck about an hour after the towers. The media tells us that the plane crashed in the side of the Pentagon and killed over a hundred people. There is no direct footage of the plane hitting that can be seen by the public eye. From studies some believe that a plane didn’t in fact hit the pentagon but a missile did. As soon as the attacks happened the FBI came in and confiscated security cameras of all surrounding businesses. What was on those videos that we were not meant to see?

Flight 93 is the most controversial of all the attacks. The plane was said to be headed for the white house, but it crashed in a field in Pennsylvania due to passengers fighting back. While investigating the scene, however, they found no bodies and no large pieces of debris from the plane. This is not common in a regular every day plane crash. This plane had to have been shot down and people believe it was U.S. military officials that did so.